Sunday, March 22, 2009

Birdie Has Left The Building....

Bye Bye Birdie is over!! I'm sad now! Lots of people started crying after final curtain including me, when the people were taking the set down. I cried after I gave my friend Cydney a hug cause she started crying which made me cry to. And I saw Zach Zambrano crying too and his face was so sad so when I saw that I guess it made me realize that Bye Bye Birdie is over. No more rehearsal or shows... sad.. :(

The cast party was fun though. We had a party at Ella's house until midnight. Pretty cool. Fun games and dances too, I learned how to "Bachata",(I hope I spelled that right) a Mexican dance my friends Zach Zambrano and Carissa Zuki-Deoferio taught me. It was pretty fun. I'll most likely forget the dance like in the next hour, but it was fun while it lasted. :)

But I'm starting to work for the crew in "The Ash Girl", the Spring play and the final play for this year. And I might be in the musical "Sweeney Todd" this summer. But it depends how it all goes. So..... yeah.....

I guess that's it.....

Much Love,

Asia Wolff

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