Sunday, February 15, 2009

I Win!

I think its safe to say that I win the competition to see who updates their blogs the most. Out of all the Wolff cousins, Allie,Jason, Bryan and Meggan, and Kelly. I know Allie always used to menchin how she updates more than Jason on her old blog. So now I'm joining the competition and I'm in the lead! YES! haha. You guys need to update more! :) LOL and I think I beat my dad too! that's a first! Usually he cheats in games and stuff but this time I didn't think he knew he was playing! Well I guess that's all?! I just realized I won and then I was happy for a couple minutes but I guess now its old news.... Oh well. I'll find something else to do.

I never thought I'd say this but life is so boring with out being in school....... But I know I'll regret saying that when Monday morning comes.

Much Love,


Anonymous said...

Well that isn't fair - I don't even have a blog that I am aware of!

Asia Wolff said...

member the blog where you showed this one post on Nana and Papa's house and how clearly you could see directions to their house and I commented saying that that's kida scary cause they could get robbed or something?! what happened to that one?

Anonymous said...

I deleted that months ago - my life isn't nearly as exciting enough to keep it updated!

Asia Wolff said...

ah i see. Well you should start up another one! Your life will get exciting soon enough!