Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hey! I'm writing more! YES! Okay well to start off Rachael Raucsh is coming back to school soon! I'm so happy she is okay! That's what the power of prayer can do. If enough people pray and pray hard I knew we could help Rachael. That miracle shows how much God cares and how much he can help. Speaking of God, my teen ministry at my church is starting a new thing called "Youth Alpha". So far it is very interesting. We watched a video of a man walking around the streets of California asking people who Jesus is and what he does. Sad to say most people said they didn't have a clue! But then when we answered the question in our small groups it was harder to answer. But once we discussed it we knew a better way of saying who Jesus is. I think I'm starting to connect more with God and Jesus and when I learn more it's exciting to hear what Jesus has done. Usually when I was little in our Sunday school classes they'd tell you little stories of the miracles God has done. But once you hear the full story it is exciting to hear. I think I am gonna like Youth Alpha.

Anyway right now I am one day away from finishing second semester. I have finished most of my 5 tests. I still have 3 more to take. And one quiz but the quiz is just a movie quiz so its not hard and you can use your notes. But for the other 5 it gets pretty complicated sometimes. But most times I can find my way around the hard stuff. But I don't think I did so well on my Language finals. We have 3 finals in language. Vocabulary, Language Network, and the Final Content test. I don't think I did so well on the final content. But most of my tests I think I did pretty well on. I hope I get good grades so then my report card grades will be higher.
I got my schedule back today. I don't switch any of my classes! Everything stays the same. which I'm kind of happy about! But I still wonder what it would be like to have new teachers.

Okay enough about me. Let's talk about Olivia! I am so jealous of her right now! She is on a school field trip called Eagle Bluff. It's an environment center where you stay overnight and stuff. I think it is the most memorable field trip you will ever go on! It is so much fun! I hope she isn't too cold and is having fun too! She comes home tomorrow! And I can't wait to hear all about it! I hope she had just as much fun as Maggie and I did. But I also hope she isn't freezing from the weather.

Hmmmm.... I think that's it?! Well I guess I'm done for now?!
Much Love,
Asia Wolff

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