Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cousins Weekend

Hey guys! I just got back from the Cousins Weekend. I had a BLAST tubing and hanging out with my family I haven't seen in forever and a day! I really enjoyed hanging out with my cousins Luke and Maddie. We had so much fun the minute we got there I knew it was going to be awesome and so totally random! Maddie even let me use her drawing pad to write down all the random things that were said. Here are some of the quotes!

Asia- "Hey there is a car coming!"
Maggie-"Then get out of the street smarty!"

Asia-"What happened to my outfielder? He ran away! And my catcher is petting my third baseman! (We were playing Baseball and Packer, the dog, was the third baseman and Maddie was the catcher.) :)

Asia-"I'm watching you punk!
Luke-"Watch all you want. ;)

Asia- "There is a shoe and a wiffel ball stuck in a tree and we tried to use the shoe to get the wiffel ball out but the shoe got stuck too... :) hahahaha

Luke- "Let's get smart alacky about this"!

Asia-"Bud as in Bud Light, Mike as in Mike's hard lemonade"
Luke-"How 'bout MGD 64? Or Fat Tire?" ( We were thinking of groups to name the cats and Maggie and I both liked the alcoholic drink category and we talked about it at Kelly's Restaurant)

Asia-"The Stones? You mean the Stone Age?"
Daddy-"No the Rolling Stones!"
Asia-"Oh! (I thought they were talking about the eras of music like 80's and 90's and stuff.)
Luke-"Yea they played the rock".

Maddy-"Stop Luke you are hurting my ears!" (Luke was singing) "And my eyes!" (And dancing)
That was the cutest thing Maddy said all weekend I think. And I was SO PROUD of her for going tubing. Luke too! At their ages I would have cried and peed. :)

Well I know this post is a little random but I'm still kinda out of it from the LONG car ride, so I'll try to post more later ;)



Allie said...

Three things:
1) I sooooo wish I had been there this weekend.
2) Since when do you guys know so many beers?
3) Try the 21 hour drive to north carolina - that's a long one!

Asia Wolff said...

hahah Allie I wish you could have been there too! I miss you! We actually talked about how much we wanted you there at the cabin while we were playing scrabble!

We know so many beers cause we were at Kelly's bar and we read the menu. haha :) wow! I dont think I could be in a car for 21 hours!

Asia <3