Saturday, February 14, 2009

Livin' La Vida Loca En Viernes . (Livin the Crazy Life on Friday in Spanish)

Hey! I went to the school dance yesterday! It was a very fun day!

It started out with me going to school on Friday. Then when I got home I got ready for the dance and then I went to Olivia and Elijah's school carnival to volunteer there. My best friend Terrianna and I got to work the fishing game. It's where the people playing the game throw a fishing pole over a wall and the person behind the wall puts a prize in the fish. I got to be the person behind the wall while Terrianna collected the tickets. The people who threw the fishy over the wall have pretty good aim! I got hit a couple of times. Especially by the little boys and Girls. I think I suffered brain damage cause now I'm slightly scared of fish..... But it was so much fun! I even ran in to some of my old guy friends there. Jason, Clay, and Tyler. It was nice to see them again.

After my shift was over we got some food and then we went to the dance!! It was so much fun to see almost everyone there! We danced pretty much the whole night. My legs are sore..... but it was so much fun! And lots of laughs too!
It was an awesome night! Happy valentines day too!

Much Love,

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