Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's new?

Well I'm finally back! And I'm finally done with my long work of my play "A Little Princess". It was so much fun and a great experience! But the very last performance was very sad. We did an old fashioned tradition called "Circle" right before the show. Circle is when you say everything that you feel about the play and your experience there. It was so sweet and everyone was crying which was expected since it was the grand finale! and the last time the cast will be together performing. But we get to see each other one last time on Monday for the "Set Strike". Which is when we take down the set at Eagle Ridge Jr. High.

Everything is going well according to my uncle have to update more so i will do that. School is going well and I'm caught up in all of my classes. I got a little behind because of the 6 hours of after school drama. But it was all worth it. I got my report card last week for first quarter and I got 4 A's and 2 B's.

Well I guess that's it?!!

Much love,
Asia Wolff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting! Your school grades are great, keep up the good work.

Uncle Bill