HEY! I can't wait for the Superbowl to start! It's gonna be awesome! I hope the Steelers win! My friend Caleb and I bet a can of pop on it. He wants the Cardinals to win. And if they do he gets a can of pop. But if the Steelers win I get a can of pop. I know it may sound kinda weird betting cans of pop but we didn't want to bet any money cause we are both broke! LOL :) .
Its my first bet on the Superbowl and I'm excited. Except for this one year Maggie and I had to wash my dad's car. Cause we chose the wrong team. Luckily it rained that night. But we still had to wash it. Maggie didn't help me..... :( but it was still a fun bet.
I hope I don't become addicted to betting things! That wouldn't be good!!!!
Much Love,
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A couple funny moments
Hey! I have a couple funny moments to share! Well I'm not quite sure how to start out and the stories are kind of random..... so I guess I can try?!
okay first story....
About a week ago or so my language arts teacher, Mr. Orth, growled at me......My friend Sydney and I were discussing one of the questions and I guess we weren't supposed to be talking so he growled at me. It was pretty funny. But I don't see why he didn't growl at Sydney. Probably cause I was the one talking at the time........
Okay next story
Maggie and I made up a new game! There is absolutely no point to it but its very fun! It starts out like a staring contest and then you take turns giggling. But the catch is after you laugh you have to go back to keeping a straight face. It's harder than it looks! You laugh harder each time and then your sides start to hurt! It's awesome yet painful!
In Spanish we were telling funny stories about how we prank call people. I guess it was because we learned how to talk on the phone in Spanish. So we started to tell funny stories about prank calling people. My friend Erin and I told the story of our friend Kelsey prank called her neighbor using a french accent. In our play A Little Princess Kelsey played the cook and the french teacher. She does a very funny accent. It's really good. okay so anyway My friend Erin and I told the story and it was fun but when Erin chickened out I had to do the french part and say what she said! this is the prank call/ story
Mr Challgren: Yes Erin. (calling on Erin.)
Erin: okay, one time in drama my friend Kelsey prank called her neighbor and she did a really good french accent. It was awesome!
(I laugh)
Erin: Asia.... what did she say again?
Asia: She said "Hello? Hello?" and then the neighbor said "Hi who are you why are you calling me" and stuff like that. And then Kelsey goes "no no I no call you, you call me!" "My telephone go ring ring! I pick it up and this is why we are here now
(The whole Spanish class laughs at me and Erin)
It was pretty funny. I still can't believe I had to say all that! But it was a very funny moment that everyone will remember for a long time! :)
One more story! Okay I went to the Freshman choir festival at the Burnsville High school! Even though I'm not a freshman I am still part of the freshman choir so I got to go! It was so much fun! We saw people from the other Jr. highs! The singers were great! and we even got to hear some freestyle and jazz and fancy stuff from the high schoolers. After the festival we went to the Burnsville mall to have lunch and hang out for awhile. While I was getting my lunch some guys and I were talking. (Guys from Eagle Ridge I think...) We were talking about choir and stuff and it was really funny. And then when they left they said "okay well see you around, we're gonna go pose by the manichans". And I'm all "okay??!? have fun?!" and then about a half hour later we saw them doing funny poses by the Victoria's Secret manichans! It was awesome! But one of the guys hit on me and said I was good looking which was kinda awkward!?!?!? But he was just messing around with some of his friends and flirting with random people so it didn't matter anyway.The day was so much fun! I enjoyed it a lot! and I'll get to do it again cause next year I'll be a freshman! But I'll still go to Metcalf cause I don't go to high school til 10th grade. Jr. High is 7-9 grade and high school is 10-12. Sometimes it's different cause of the school district. But I don't mind.
So those are some funny moments of mine?! I hope you enjoyed them! I'll try to write more later.
Much love,
okay first story....
About a week ago or so my language arts teacher, Mr. Orth, growled at me......My friend Sydney and I were discussing one of the questions and I guess we weren't supposed to be talking so he growled at me. It was pretty funny. But I don't see why he didn't growl at Sydney. Probably cause I was the one talking at the time........
Okay next story
Maggie and I made up a new game! There is absolutely no point to it but its very fun! It starts out like a staring contest and then you take turns giggling. But the catch is after you laugh you have to go back to keeping a straight face. It's harder than it looks! You laugh harder each time and then your sides start to hurt! It's awesome yet painful!
In Spanish we were telling funny stories about how we prank call people. I guess it was because we learned how to talk on the phone in Spanish. So we started to tell funny stories about prank calling people. My friend Erin and I told the story of our friend Kelsey prank called her neighbor using a french accent. In our play A Little Princess Kelsey played the cook and the french teacher. She does a very funny accent. It's really good. okay so anyway My friend Erin and I told the story and it was fun but when Erin chickened out I had to do the french part and say what she said! this is the prank call/ story
Mr Challgren: Yes Erin. (calling on Erin.)
Erin: okay, one time in drama my friend Kelsey prank called her neighbor and she did a really good french accent. It was awesome!
(I laugh)
Erin: Asia.... what did she say again?
Asia: She said "Hello? Hello?" and then the neighbor said "Hi who are you why are you calling me" and stuff like that. And then Kelsey goes "no no I no call you, you call me!" "My telephone go ring ring! I pick it up and this is why we are here now
(The whole Spanish class laughs at me and Erin)
It was pretty funny. I still can't believe I had to say all that! But it was a very funny moment that everyone will remember for a long time! :)
One more story! Okay I went to the Freshman choir festival at the Burnsville High school! Even though I'm not a freshman I am still part of the freshman choir so I got to go! It was so much fun! We saw people from the other Jr. highs! The singers were great! and we even got to hear some freestyle and jazz and fancy stuff from the high schoolers. After the festival we went to the Burnsville mall to have lunch and hang out for awhile. While I was getting my lunch some guys and I were talking. (Guys from Eagle Ridge I think...) We were talking about choir and stuff and it was really funny. And then when they left they said "okay well see you around, we're gonna go pose by the manichans". And I'm all "okay??!? have fun?!" and then about a half hour later we saw them doing funny poses by the Victoria's Secret manichans! It was awesome! But one of the guys hit on me and said I was good looking which was kinda awkward!?!?!? But he was just messing around with some of his friends and flirting with random people so it didn't matter anyway.The day was so much fun! I enjoyed it a lot! and I'll get to do it again cause next year I'll be a freshman! But I'll still go to Metcalf cause I don't go to high school til 10th grade. Jr. High is 7-9 grade and high school is 10-12. Sometimes it's different cause of the school district. But I don't mind.
So those are some funny moments of mine?! I hope you enjoyed them! I'll try to write more later.
Much love,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
That Darn Olivia!
Hey Guys! I thought I'd show you some funny pictures Olivia took after she got her new camera for Christmas. Olivia was wandering around the house taking pictures of random stuff so Maggie and I thought we'd make things a little bit more noticeable. These are 2 of my favorites. Enjoy! :)

Here's a picture of me pretending to pull Maggie down the stairs by her hair! I love the look Maggie gave the camera!

And the funniest picture I have taken in a long time is Maggie pretending to propose to me! She got rejected......... LOL
Much Love,

Here's a picture of me pretending to pull Maggie down the stairs by her hair! I love the look Maggie gave the camera!

And the funniest picture I have taken in a long time is Maggie pretending to propose to me! She got rejected......... LOL
Much Love,
Saturday, January 17, 2009
We're Moving?!?!?!?!?!?
Hey guys! Another update from the Wolff house hold. We might move to Brainerd!! This isn't official until sometime in March but the way my mom is talking about moving its most likely gonna happen. And I'm not quite sure how to feel...
Okay here's the story. My dad applied for a job and if he gets it we will move to Brainerd MN this summer. I know its a short story and not that exciting. But I don't think I want to move! At first I thought it would be fun getting to meet new friends and stuff and hanging out at the cabin up north with my Aunt Denise and Uncle Bill and Aunt Sharon and Uncle Mike. But I don't think I want to leave Burnsville.
Living in Burnsville has given me a lot. A lot of friends, being close to most family, meeting new people, fun times, great laughs and a whole bunch of things! I don't think I'm ready to leave all that. And I know I don't have that much to worry about yet but just thinking about it is kinda scary. But if we don't move what will happen? I don't want to miss anything here in B'ville but yet I still wonder what it would be like to start all over and move some place else and go to Brainerd.
I talked to a good friend of mine and he says he doesn't want me to go anywhere. And I don't know if I want to or not either. But either way I know God will be there with me to help me with everything hard that comes my way. So far he always has. Well I guess I don't have all that much to worry about cause my mom says if things don't work out we can always move back. But I think that would be hard to do to see everyone and have to try to pick up where you left off when everyone else has moved on. And I don't even know if my dad got the job yet. So for now I'm okay I guess. I think over spring break we should go check out Brainerd and see what the schools are like and how the house is. Then maybe we could get a taste of what we are getting into. And then maybe go tubing and see the family too! :)
Well that's it. I'm tired so I'm going to sleep! right now its about 11:00 pm and I couldn't fall asleep earlier cause I couldn't fall asleep. But now I think I can! LOL
Good night :) ,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Hey! I'm writing more! YES! Okay well to start off Rachael Raucsh is coming back to school soon! I'm so happy she is okay! That's what the power of prayer can do. If enough people pray and pray hard I knew we could help Rachael. That miracle shows how much God cares and how much he can help. Speaking of God, my teen ministry at my church is starting a new thing called "Youth Alpha". So far it is very interesting. We watched a video of a man walking around the streets of California asking people who Jesus is and what he does. Sad to say most people said they didn't have a clue! But then when we answered the question in our small groups it was harder to answer. But once we discussed it we knew a better way of saying who Jesus is. I think I'm starting to connect more with God and Jesus and when I learn more it's exciting to hear what Jesus has done. Usually when I was little in our Sunday school classes they'd tell you little stories of the miracles God has done. But once you hear the full story it is exciting to hear. I think I am gonna like Youth Alpha.
Anyway right now I am one day away from finishing second semester. I have finished most of my 5 tests. I still have 3 more to take. And one quiz but the quiz is just a movie quiz so its not hard and you can use your notes. But for the other 5 it gets pretty complicated sometimes. But most times I can find my way around the hard stuff. But I don't think I did so well on my Language finals. We have 3 finals in language. Vocabulary, Language Network, and the Final Content test. I don't think I did so well on the final content. But most of my tests I think I did pretty well on. I hope I get good grades so then my report card grades will be higher.
I got my schedule back today. I don't switch any of my classes! Everything stays the same. which I'm kind of happy about! But I still wonder what it would be like to have new teachers.
Okay enough about me. Let's talk about Olivia! I am so jealous of her right now! She is on a school field trip called Eagle Bluff. It's an environment center where you stay overnight and stuff. I think it is the most memorable field trip you will ever go on! It is so much fun! I hope she isn't too cold and is having fun too! She comes home tomorrow! And I can't wait to hear all about it! I hope she had just as much fun as Maggie and I did. But I also hope she isn't freezing from the weather.
Hmmmm.... I think that's it?! Well I guess I'm done for now?!
Much Love,
Asia Wolff
Anyway right now I am one day away from finishing second semester. I have finished most of my 5 tests. I still have 3 more to take. And one quiz but the quiz is just a movie quiz so its not hard and you can use your notes. But for the other 5 it gets pretty complicated sometimes. But most times I can find my way around the hard stuff. But I don't think I did so well on my Language finals. We have 3 finals in language. Vocabulary, Language Network, and the Final Content test. I don't think I did so well on the final content. But most of my tests I think I did pretty well on. I hope I get good grades so then my report card grades will be higher.
I got my schedule back today. I don't switch any of my classes! Everything stays the same. which I'm kind of happy about! But I still wonder what it would be like to have new teachers.
Okay enough about me. Let's talk about Olivia! I am so jealous of her right now! She is on a school field trip called Eagle Bluff. It's an environment center where you stay overnight and stuff. I think it is the most memorable field trip you will ever go on! It is so much fun! I hope she isn't too cold and is having fun too! She comes home tomorrow! And I can't wait to hear all about it! I hope she had just as much fun as Maggie and I did. But I also hope she isn't freezing from the weather.
Hmmmm.... I think that's it?! Well I guess I'm done for now?!
Much Love,
Asia Wolff
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Que Pasa? ("what's up"in spanish)
Hey! I'm back! And I'm happy to say that Rachael is doing a little better! She is still in the hospital and stuff but she's doing okay. Her ribs still hurt a lot! But she is better.Thanks for the prayers!
Okay..... Well nothing much is new but I am very excited cause it's almost the end of the 2nd quarter! Which means its almost half way through the year! YES!!! But I have all of my finals to do in each class cause I might get a switched schedule. Mr Challgren, my Spanish teacher, teaches hours 1-6. But Mrs. Moreno ,the other Spanish teacher ,only teaches first hour.So to minimize the math and science classes us eighth graders might get our schedule changed. That way we won't have 40 kids in one class and 20 in another. But even with the schedule change I still have to take all of my finals in all my classes. Which isn't so bad if you take good notes.
But besides that everything is well. We just got done in science making element T-shirts. It's where you make a t-shirt look like an element in the periodic table of elements. My element was Gadolinium. It's number 64 on the chart. All of my friends got easy elements like oxygen and helium but I got stuck with Gadolinium. It's a metal.
It was a fun day cause all the eighth grade wore their T-shirts so it looked really cool! Even though they were all decorated differently it was still fun to see them all. And the best thing is I got an A on my project. I would have gotten a 49 out of 50 but I got extra credit for being creative with the T-shirt so I got 50/50. A+! plus we had to do a research packet and that is worth 20 points. so the whole project is out of 70. And I think I did well on the packet cause I got all of my research done. so I have a pretty good chance of getting an A.
In all of my other classes we have some other projects going on too but I already finished those a long time ago cause that's when they were due. In Spanish I had to do a presentation and in Language I had to do a report on the book "The Hobbit". So overall I think this quarter is going to end well! I hope!
Well I think that is everything new in school. And nothing is really new in my social life or my home life yet so I hope to start writing about that soon. ummmm........ I guess that's it?!
Much Love,
Okay..... Well nothing much is new but I am very excited cause it's almost the end of the 2nd quarter! Which means its almost half way through the year! YES!!! But I have all of my finals to do in each class cause I might get a switched schedule. Mr Challgren, my Spanish teacher, teaches hours 1-6. But Mrs. Moreno ,the other Spanish teacher ,only teaches first hour.So to minimize the math and science classes us eighth graders might get our schedule changed. That way we won't have 40 kids in one class and 20 in another. But even with the schedule change I still have to take all of my finals in all my classes. Which isn't so bad if you take good notes.
But besides that everything is well. We just got done in science making element T-shirts. It's where you make a t-shirt look like an element in the periodic table of elements. My element was Gadolinium. It's number 64 on the chart. All of my friends got easy elements like oxygen and helium but I got stuck with Gadolinium. It's a metal.
It was a fun day cause all the eighth grade wore their T-shirts so it looked really cool! Even though they were all decorated differently it was still fun to see them all. And the best thing is I got an A on my project. I would have gotten a 49 out of 50 but I got extra credit for being creative with the T-shirt so I got 50/50. A+! plus we had to do a research packet and that is worth 20 points. so the whole project is out of 70. And I think I did well on the packet cause I got all of my research done. so I have a pretty good chance of getting an A.
In all of my other classes we have some other projects going on too but I already finished those a long time ago cause that's when they were due. In Spanish I had to do a presentation and in Language I had to do a report on the book "The Hobbit". So overall I think this quarter is going to end well! I hope!
Well I think that is everything new in school. And nothing is really new in my social life or my home life yet so I hope to start writing about that soon. ummmm........ I guess that's it?!
Much Love,
Sunday, January 4, 2009
More Prayer
Hey guys! I need your help. My friend Rachael Rausch was in a sledding accident and she needs prayer. she was sledding and she lost control. She slammed into a tree really hard. Her friend Rachel Raden called 911 and the ambulence took her to HCMC trauma center and they sent her to pediatrics ICU. She has five broken ribs and internal bleeding. PLEASE pray for her and her family now as Rachael Rausch is healing.
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